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Deer Track Golf Course

The Challenge

Deer Track Golf Course presented a new and exciting challenge, being our first non-food client. They were an existing business under new ownership but the existing website was outdated and not user friendly, and the previous owner was unwilling to turn over the social accounts.

The Solution

The new owners of Deer Track wanted to refresh the business, the grounds and the marketing plan. This included creating a more inviting and user friendly website as well as a more interactive social presence, while working around the existing logo and colors. We worked together to customize a package that would allow evolve as Deer Track made improvements.


Karen spent multiple days at Deer Track for "before and after" photography, brainstorming and developing new branding for the improving business. We developed an entirely new website and Facebook page, both maintaining the sophistication of a golf course and lodge, while breathing new life into the 


KPC Unlimited provided gift cards for a photography contest we ran, both to encourage interaction on the social accounts and to provide updated photos as the new owners improved the grounds. We got some pretty good pictures out of it, too!


Deer Track is a bit of a special situation, in that they wanted the social accounts to be created and the website designed, but then took over maintenance and management in house. We created a section at the top of the website home page for course conditions and weekly news and gave them full access to make website changes, then KPC Unlimited stepped down to let Deer Track staff take over.


The Result

KPC Unlimited will continue to offer support, but Deer Track has taken over the day to day maintenance of their website and Facebook. So far Deer Track has done a great job with both, but KPC Unlimited remains available for any issues they may encounter. Check out the Deer Track Golf Course website and social accounts for yourself.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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